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Light Show: A Wondrous Light

16th February 2015

"Light Show: A Wondrous Light"

This was one of the paid exhibitions held at the Auckland Art Gallery, it was one of the ones you can’t take photos in. For the first time it was held on two different floors, as some of the exhibits are very big and due to the fact that the art works use light means some of them can’t be the same room as other pieces of work as they’d interfere with each other. So there would be entire rooms with a single art work in it, while only a few rooms had more than one.

It was very good, I loved one work in particularly which was a bank of light bulbs that were able to dim and brighten in accordance with a pattern set up by the artist. This meant that it looked shadows were moving across the bank of light bulbs and when you stepped back and looked at the bank you could clearly see the shadows formed into people walking by – it was incredibly clever.

Some of them where interesting but very hard on the eyes or headache inducing, one which I liked which fell into this category was this art work in a dark room with water features/fountains along the back and strobe lights going on and off illuminating the water in strange ways – it was really well done but incredibly hard to look at for any length of time.

Light Show: A Wondrous Light

Light Show: A Wondrous Light

Light Show: A Wondrous Light

Light Show: A Wondrous Light